Talking about religion, Community-building circle facilitator, Leading with a restorative mindset



Micro-Learning of the Month


Talking about religion

In this short 4-minute video, explore a consult with an employee about having a conversation about religion and learn how to assess your readiness.

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Foundations of Anti-Discrimination Micro-Learning Collections

Check out our collections of short opportunities, recently updated to learn more about accessibility inclusion practices, centering patient-facing colleagues in a health environment, treating transgender and nonbinary patients, plus concrete examples for responding to microaggressions.



New & Trending


Community-Building Circle Facilitator Training

Wednesdays | April 2-May 21 | 1-3:30pm

Designed to introduce you to the origins and principles of restorative justice, equip you with tools to practice critical self-reflection and build skills to facilitate community-building circles for people with varying values, experiences and backgrounds to strengthen their relationships with one another. Trained facilitators have integrated Circles into staff retreats, team huddles, committee meetings, student orientations and classroom discussions.

UCSF and UCSF Health staff and faculty are invited to apply by March 7.

Live Workshop Open


Leading with a Restorative Mindset

March 13 | 9am-12pm | Virtual Workshop

A restorative mindset centers relationships to forge trust, build understanding and create a culture of connectivity where all members feel a sense of belonging for who they are. In this course, leaders will learn how to practice and embody a restorative mindset that centers our interconnectedness and upholds the value of restoration.