Business Writing Workshop - Get to the Point

June 26, 2025
9:30am - 3:30pm
Virtual (Zoom)

This virtual, one-day, instructor-led workshop focuses on the crucial writing issues: purpose and audience. We cover practical ways you can organize, format and write a communication, such as an email, so that the reader quickly gets the point and acts on it.

"Workshop" with pen and paper


  • Meet the needs of busy business readers
  • Determine the purpose before starting to write
  • Write powerful openings and closings
  • Follow the guidelines of email etiquette
  • Create an appropriate tone

Cost: There is no fee to attend. Late cancellations and no-shows will incur a $75 fee. Each participant is responsible for cancelling their own registration before the cancellation deadline (7 days before).

Flyer: View and share the Get to the Point Business Writing Workshop flyer!


Register in the UC Learning Center 
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